Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Each year I make some resolutions for the new year. Each year I start out committed to keep and uphold each and every resolution. Each year I fail miserably, usually by January 3rd. So THIS year, I have convinced myself that if I put my resolutions on my blog for all (or the two of you that actually read it) to see, then I will HAVE to "stick with the program". I am optimistic, although I am not holding my breath.

1. Lose weight.
I am stuffing the last of my Reese's into my mouth as I write this!! Goodbye sweet friend. Parting is such.... um.... hard to do!

2. Get healthy.
Yes, I realize that this goes hand-in-hand with #1, but for me, I am so out of shape and could live off nachos and salsa that I really need to do better.

3. Find a paying job.
Now this one is going to be tough. First of all, I am a stay-at-home mom and rather like it. Second, I am a homeschool mom. Can't exactly bring along a 7-year old to the office. The perfect job for me would be one which would allow me work from home and still get paid. Any leads anyone?

4. Be neater.
I am a mess. Not only am I a mess, but I am a messy person. I am the queen of piles and baskets. There are so many piles and overloaded baskets in my home that need to be sorted through that if I start now I MAY finish in 2020!

5. Be more optimistic.
Is there such a thing as being pessimistically optimistic? If so, then I am that am MORE! I can find fault in everything (except Reese's - the food of angels).

6. Make a budget and stick to it!
This is another hard one. It would be easy if it were just me writing checks and using the debit card, but when you add in another person (no matter how much you love him), it just makes it more difficult. On more than one occasion, we have both paid the same bill on the same day!

I think I will stop here. Six seems to be a pretty round number, and a number that I think I might actually be able to do (yeah, right). I will try hard. I actually got on the elliptical TWICE today!! I may not be able to walk tomorrow, but at least I did SOME physically activity today to counteract the chips and salsa I had for breakfast.


1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on almost all of these. I'm not super messy (well, a little bit messy), but I do a terrible job of keeping up with routine housework. Housework, Schmousework!

    The budget one will be hard for us too - although we've talked each other out of two things we wanted to order this weekend.

    Quicken helps with the bills - we can check it before paying them...
