Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Random Dozen

Each Wednesday, Linda at 2nd cup of coffee posts questions called "Random Dozen". So, thanks to my sister-in-law (The Bug), I have now joined in and will be posting my answers.

1. Which physical trait do you now accept--maybe not love, but accept--and no longer feel extremely self-conscious about?
My height. I'm not sure that I accept it, but have come to terms with it. I am 60 inches (that's 5 ft for the not-so-math-inclined, and saying 60 inches sounds taller than 5 ft). I'm not sure when I stopped growing, but it was probably sometime in junior high. My height-challengedness is biological. I can trace it back generations on both sides of my family. I've heard of surgeries that can actually make you taller, but they sound very painful. So instead, I married a man who is 6ft and can reach things on the top shelf.

2. This week Meredith Baxter Birney, best known as the mom on the favorite 80s sitcom "Family Ties" came out of the closet, which led me to formulate this question: Who do you think is/was the best TV mom?
I can identify with many TV moms. I loved the cool and smooth way that Claire Huxtable handled her kids, the caring and loving nature of Caroline Ingalls, and the kookiness of Carol Brady. But there are many times when I most identify with Roseanne Connor and her "don't you mess with me" attitude.

3. Do you speak any foreign languages? Are there any you'd like to learn?
Six years of French, so.... no. Forgot it all. I wish that I spoke Spanish. It would make communicating with many parents a lot easier. However, we do have large Hmong and Romanian populations in our community. But, those languages are way to complicated for me!

4. Who is your personal hero?
I have two heroes. My mom and my mother-in-law. Both were diagnosed with cancer on the same day and both fought hard until they just couldn't fight any longer. They passed away within nine months of each other.

5. What is one holiday food that you find extremely difficult to resist over- indulging in?
Preacher cookies. This is what my Grandmother called them because you could "Make 'em quick when you saw the preacher walking down the road towards your house." Most people call them boil cookies or no-bake chocolate cookies. Whatever you call them, I'm gonna eat all of them!

6. Tell me about a Christmas decoration that has special meaning or sentimental value.
Most all of my decorations have special meaning. I started collecting nutcrackers several years ago and have amassed in excess of a hundred. I also collect hippos, and have quite a few hippo ornaments that I will not part with. Our family Christmas tree is filled with ornaments that have been made by our children or picked up throughout our travels to remind us of where we were. The oldest ornament is a heart with my name and Dr. J's name that we bought on our honeymoon 20 years ago. Our Christmas stockings are very sentimental because they were made by my mother. Growing up, my sisters and I had similiar stockings with our names on them. As we each grew up and got married, my mother made a stocking for our husbands as well. Then the grandkids. Each one is a little different and reflects some kind of interest that that person has (Dr. J's has a basketball on it). When she passed away, other family members took over the job. So, the tradition continues.

7. How do you feel about snow?
Having grown up in Florida, I still find it fascinating. I like to watch it fall and watch the kids play in it. For me, it is too cold and wet and the Florida driver in me would rather strip the hardwood floors than drive in it.

8. On average, how many hours of sleep do you get each night? Not that I'm jealous of any number over three or anything.
Now that I am homeschooling my youngest, I don't have to get up early to make sure she's on the bus by 6:50. We sleep in and probably get a good nine hours in.

9. Tell me about your first crush.
The Karate Kid! Ralph M. (I am not going to try and tackle spelling his last name) I had his posters plastered all over my wall. Now I enjoy watching him on Ugly Betty.

10. You're stuck in a room for 2 hours with only a chalkboard and chalk. What will you write/draw?
I'd probably draw a cartoon of Ziggy, then curl up and go to sleep.

11. Do you dress for the current temp or for the day's forecast?
The current temp, which usually gets me in trouble later in the day when the temp changes.

12. Favorite Christmas movie is?
I LOVE sappy Holiday romantic movies. I have DVR'd most all of Fa La La La Lifetime!



  1. Ooh Ooh! Recipe for preacher cookies? Sounds intriguing and great story to go with.

    Love the tribute to your mom and mother in law. That must have been a very hard time for your family.

  2. Preacher cookies? Yum! Not sure that I've ever had them but cookies that require no baking.....I could handle that! ;-)

  3. You had BETTER have some preacher cookies for me when I get down there in a couple of weeks! We can fight over them. Ha!

    I really appreciate #4 - I think Mom was mostly just stubborn, but it was inspirational that's for sure!
