Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fun Facts Friday

First of all, yes, I do know that today is Saturday. However, I just came up with the title and Fun Facts Saturday just didn't work for me. So, starting next week, I will try to post on Friday. But, I'm not making any promises.

Fun Facts Friday

1)  Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails.

2)  People who ride on roller coasters have a higher chance of having a blood clot in the brain.

3)  In Lehigh, Nebraska it's against the law to sell donut holes.

4)  Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew cannabis on their plantations. For those of you not familiar with the more scientific name: cannabis is pot.

5)  1 million dollars in pennies weighs 246 tons.

6)  Most people blink about 17,000 times a day.

7)  It is illegal to stick chewing gum on the end of your nose in Somalia.

8)  When you blush, your stomach lining also reddens.

9)   Snoring is prohibited in Massachusetts, unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked.

10) It is also illegal in Massachusetts to go to bed without first having taken a bath/shower.

Well, it's a good thing my family doesn't live in Massachusetts!  What are your fun facts?


1 comment:

  1. LOL - that must be why Daddy showers every night. Well, and also he's usually a sweaty mess by then. I'd rather wait until morning so my shower can wake me up!

    I really want to know WHY about the donut holes. Was there a donut monopoly of shops who didn't want to manufacture donut holes? What is up with that!
