Monday, July 4, 2011

Random Ramblings

My dear sis-in-law writes a blog every Monday called Monday Miscellany. I have decided to follow her lead and will try to do something similar each week. However, me being me, I will not put any day of the week in the title. I will be doing good just to write one blog each week, much less on the same day! So therefore, I am calling it Random Ramblings and I will be free to post it whenever I get around to it. For some of you, many of my random thoughts or ramblings will be taken directly from my status updates on Facebook, so you are free to ignore them, if you want.

* Today is July 4th. The day when we celebrate the birth of our country and independence from England. The day we give thanks for our freedoms and those who fight for those freedoms. The day we watch spectacular fireworks displays with oohs and aahs. The day we celebrate with friends and family over hamburgers and hotdogs fired on the grill. For me, this is a day when I celebrate no bills in the mail!

* Capital One keeps sending me emails and snail mail asking me to transfer my balances from other credit cards to theirs. Hmm, I'm pretty sure that in my last bill from them it said that I had reached my limit (which wasn't all that big to begin with).

* Last week someone destroyed our mailbox and our neighbor's. I heard the impact, but in the time it took me to look out of the window (all of 3 seconds), the vehicle was gone, but had left a trail of flying mail and scattered mailbox pieces in its wake. My dh (Dr. J) was able to piece ours back together again, but our neighbor's had endured the brunt of the trauma and was too far gone to be revived. The only bright spot to this tragedy is that the vehicle left behind a shattered headlight, and one can only hope it also sustained a big dent, lots of scratches and possibly a broken windshield. Heh!

* While working on some paperwork the other day, I found myself watching a Bonanza marathon. I will admit that I was too lazy to find the remote that was buried under the mounds of papers to change it. Besides, young Michael Landon was hot! Anyway, I noticed that all the commercials were for AARP, Depends, Medicaid, Life Insurance for Seniors, the Scooter Store, medical supplies by mail..... Are we seeing a pattern here? Does this mean that because I actually enjoyed watching a few Bonanza reruns, that makes me old? Which brings me to my next ramble....

* While watching Bonanza, I witnessed a State Marshall shoot a man just for standing in his way, a bar room brawl because someone looked at a lady wrong, and countless other things that had me thinking "If that happened today, there would be a lawsuit." Oh, the sue-happy world we live in. Makes me want to go back in time and just punch some people solely for being buttheads and not have to worry about being sued.

* This week (and forever) I will be working on getting my house organized. For those of you who know me and have been to my house, you can stop laughing now! The problem that I am running into is that my house is like a Catch 22. For instance, I have a stack of books in my room that need to go on the bookshelf. However, in order to put them on the bookshelf, I will need to clean off the bookshelf to make room. Cleaning off the bookshelf will result in my having other things that need other homes.... you get the idea.

* Two weeks ago I started Weight Watchers. The first week I lost 4 pounds. Yeah. However, last week, after watching what I ate and practically starving myself, I had gained back a pound. Hmf. So, in retaliation last night I ate 3/4 of a pizza! Take that Weight Watchers!


1 comment:

  1. Oh we are so sisters, even if it's only by marriage. I'm always defying WW. :)

    We get transfer offers all the time - I always wonder if the transfer department doesn't have access to our account & can't see that we only have $500 left on that card? What a waste of paper (& my time since I shred them all).

    Sorry about the mailbox. Since apparently they did it accidentally I'm glad no animals or people were hurt!
