Friday, July 15, 2011

Fun Facts Friday

It's officially Friday, so time for Fun Facts Friday!

1.  Watching an hour-long soap opera burns more calories than watching a three-hour baseball game.

2.  Pearls melt in vinegar.
Do not try this one at home, especially if the pearls are not yours.

3.  Every citizen of Kentucky is required by law to take a bath at least once a year.
I'm not sure I would want to be the person that has to enforce this one!

4.  However, if you lived in Boston in 1845, you had to have a doctor's prescription to bath.

5.  There is enough energy in one bolt of lightning to power a home for two weeks.
Just think how much we could save on our electric bills!

6.  The ears of a cricket are located on the front legs, just below the knee.

7.  In New York, it is illegal to shoot a rabbit from a moving trolley car.
But I guess it's okay if the trolley has stopped.

8.  In Alabama, it is illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter to church.
However, bad toupees are perfectly legal, no matter how much they make someone laugh.

9.  The only nation whose name begins with an "A", but doesn't end in an "A" is Afghanistan.

10.  In Michigan it is illegal to place a skunk inside your bosses desk.
To the other 49 states.... please send me a video if you do this!

Note: All facts listed here were found on a new app I downloaded onto my phone. A really cool app that gives me hours of fun when in a meeting, however I cannot take responsibility if they are not true.



  1. They must not have counted watching baseball the way my guys watch it. They are up and down, sometimes yelling at the umpires, etc. It seems to be an aerobic thing with them.

  2. Ooh - I would put a skunk under my boss's desk, but then I would have to smell it too.
